God, Tanya & Me

Replies of the message

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This is the page where I will discuss the replies which I get for the message, if you think that you can help here, kindly get in contact with me & I will update this page as I get messages from you.

The same day I get the message, I was surprised to get a reply from a person I don't know him, following text is his message, which he sent to all the people Tanya sent them the original message:


I think god is a small cruel little man who likes to FUCK with people.  For if he saw us as his CHILDREN even if we spat him he would not fly plans into buildings or let our children kill them selves.   GOD IS FAKE PEOPLE,  stop following him,  learn to believe in yourself and love your self.  We don't need god we need education,  we need women who have self confidence, and we need to learn to respect the rights of others.


My name is Jason John Pate,  my parents divorced when I was 5 what god of a god lets that happen to a little boy.  Not one that I respect, love or believe in.  The one thing divorce teaches young people is that there is only one person they can count on,  its not god,  its not parents,  its your self.  You are the only one who has will be there night and day for the rest of your life.  FUCK god and the stupid people who follow him.



That person, who is named Jason John Pate, like he is saying, also he attached a file to his message named: Why God does not exist, you can download it by clicking the link below:


click here to download file

This guy think God is small cruel little man & then he say God don't exist!

How it come he be a man & don't exist?


God didn't fly plans into buildings, the terrorists did.

Why did God allowed them & didn't protect us from them & Where were God when they did that? And if he see us like his children, he should protect us from them, even if we spat him!

The answer for this is: didn't we asked God to leave us alone?

How it come we demand him to leave & ask for his protection & he was in the same place when his son was crossed to erase your sin!


Why God allowed your parents to divorce?

God gave us the free will, so, it's our responsibility to make the decisions, and if your parents divorced, that was their own decision.

Why you didn’t look to the good part of their divorce? You became an independent strong person who can count on his self!  

What you really need is to look to some places where you can't even have the freedom to wear the cloths you like, then you will realize the convenience & blessings you are living in!


Telephone call!

Couple of days later I was shocked by a telephone call from a friend just came back from a trip.

It was the last thing I can expect from a high educated person like that friend!

He was very angry because of that message & started attacking me saying that as a Muslim I can't do this, and I can't ask people to forward this message and I was supposed to delete this message & cut the relation between me and the person who sent me this message!

He accused me that I'm switching my religion to Christian; such like accusation for a Muslim means death, as punishment!

My answer was that I'm not & we should look to message as a reminder to remember us by God,

Intensify replied: We didn't forget God, look to all the benefactions we are living in, we are good people & God LOVE us very much and if it wasn’t that he didn’t give us all what we have 

With each word he was saying, I was getting more out of my patient, finally, I was exploding!

I started talking:

We are good & because of this God love us?

How we become good if we don’t pray to God except when we want to ask him for something?

How we are good and we don’t read the holy book except in the holy month & even in this month, some of us don’t read it?

How we are good and we don’t respect other religions like God ordered us?

More intensify he said: these disbelievers you are on relation with them washed your brain!

I couldn’t stand it more so I answered him almost screaming:

How do you call them disbelievers? While God is saying in our holy book (the Quran) about them (People of the book), that means they have a holy book from God & that means they have a religion made by the God;

A moment of silence prevailed before he said to me: it's useless to argue with you, you are one of them now.

It was the last time I hear that friend voice, which used to call me each & everyday!

You may read my own opinoin & comments on the page named (Opinoin)